Site Characterization & Remedial Investigations

What Are Remedial Investigations?

Remedial investigation (RI) is the mechanism for collecting data to characterize site conditions. The investigation also determines the nature of the waste and assesses the risk to human health or the environment. It also conducts treatability testing to evaluate the potential performance and cost of the treatment technologies that are being considered.

How can G.C. Environmental, Inc. help you?

GCE performs on-site testing as well as visual and technical investigations while working closely with the client in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the state of the property and the possible remediation opportunities.

Quality Assurance

Our permitting and compliance team has the regulatory knowledge and experience to obtain your environmental permits quickly and efficiently.

24/7 Response

We provide a simple and effective Spill Response Program, our skilled staff are always on-call ready to respond to any emergency call.

Certified Technicians

G.C. Environmental is a licensed company that has a specialized team of professionally-trained and qualified Environmental Professionals.


Please call us at (877) 423-6847 or request a quote, and one of our team members will contact you to reserve a date and time for your consultation that is convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you.