In Fuel Testing Service fuel in storage tanks is collected and analysed. When petroleum is stored for extended periods of time the fuel can degrade, become contaminated, and cease to combust as intended. Also fuel degradation and water accumulation within the tank bottom create ideal breeding grounds for bacterial and fungal contamination. Regular testing of the fuel within bulk storage systems identifies concerns before they damage equipment or keep it from starting up. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems requires that fuel is tested at lease annually in standard 110-23-8.3.7.
GCE has experienced technicians who use advanced sampling equipment to collect fuel representative of the entire tank AND fuel directly from the tank bottom. Fuel is then sent to an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory for detailed analysis in accordance with ASTM standards. Facilities will receive a detailed report of the condition of the fuel and any concerns identified.