Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Sparge Remediation Systems

What Is Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Sparge Remediation Systems?

Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) is an in-situ remediation technology that involves the installation of a series of “wells” in the contaminated soil above the water table and placing a negative pressure on wells in the vadose zone to pull contaminated soil vapors from the subsurface soils. Air sparging is an in-situ remediation technology in which air is injected through a contaminated aquifer over the period of a few months to a few years. The injected air moves in all directions away from the injection point through the groundwater and soil matrix creating an underground, in-situ “air stripper” that removes contaminants by volatilization. The injection of air helps to flush the contaminants upward into the unsaturated zone where a vapor extraction system is typically implemented to remove the volatilized contaminants. Both methods are used for chemicals that evaporate easily like those found in solvents and gasoline.

How can G.C. Environmental, Inc. help you?

GCE has extensive experience with the construction and installation of in-situ remediation systems, including soil vapor extraction (SVE), air sparge and pump & treat systems. GCE will procure the system components, construct the system and install associated trenches, piping and/or wells per the specifications.

Quality Assurance

Our permitting and compliance team has the regulatory knowledge and experience to obtain your environmental permits quickly and efficiently.

24/7 Response

We provide a simple and effective Spill Response Program, our skilled staff are always on-call ready to respond to any emergency call.

Certified Technicians

G.C. Environmental is a licensed company that has a specialized team of professionally-trained and qualified Environmental Professionals.


Please call us at (877) 423-6847 or request a quote, and one of our team members will contact you to reserve a date and time for your consultation that is convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you.